ICBHI 2022


Metin Akay, PhD

Founding Chair & John S Dunn Endowed Chair Professor.
President, IEEE Engineering Medicine and Biology Society 2022.
Chair, International Academy of Medical and Biological Engineering 2021-2024.
Department of Biomedical Engineering.
Cullen College of Engineering.
University of Houston.
Prof. Dr. Sc. Ratko Magjarević

Ratko Magjarević received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering in 1994 from the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering. After his appointment in industry at the Institute of Electrical Engineering “Koncar,“ he joined the Electronic Measurement and Biomedical Engineering Group at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing. He is full professor teaching several courses in Electronic Instrumentation and Biomedical Engineering at undergraduate, graduate and at postgraduate studies. His scientific and professional interest is in fields of electronic and biomedical instrumentation and health informatics, in particular in cardiac potentials analysis and pacing, in research of new methods for drug delivery based on electropermeabilisation and recently in research of personalised intelligent mobile health systems. He is author or co-author of numerous journal and conference papers, several text books and book chapters. R. Magjarevic is the President of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE).

Carla Taramasco Toro
Directora Instituto de Tecnología para la Innovación en Salud y Bienestar  
Académica Facultad de Ingeniería  
Universidad Andrés Bello
Carla Taramasco

Académica e investigadora de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Andrés Bello.
Doctora en Informática de la Ècole Polytechnique (París, Francia).
Master en Ciencias Cognitivas por la Ècole Normale Superieure (París, Francia).
Ingeniera en Informática Aplicada por la Universidad de Valparaíso (Chile).

La Dra. Taramasco ha participado, coordinado y dirigido diversos proyectos científicos nacionales e internacionales en áreas como ehealth, mheatlh, telemedicina, IoT, wearables y BigData. Ha trabajado en desarrollo de soluciones tecnológicas para la salud que integren SW y HW, vigilancia de enfermedades crónicas, salud pública, sistemas complejos sociales y dinámica de redes.

Prof. Dr. Ricardo L. Armentano

Fellow International Academy of Medical and Biological Engineering.
IEEE EMBS Distinguished Lecturer.
Distinguished Professor of Cardiovascular Engineering.
Member of EMBS IEEE Technical Committee on Cardiopulmonary Systems and Physiology based Engineering.

Prof. Dr. Daniel Luna
Chief Information Officer en Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires. Specialties: Internal Medicine, Medical Informatics, and Health Information Systems.
Prof. Dr. Virginia Ballarin
Virginia Laura Ballarin is Full Professor in Signal Processing area at the Electronics Engineering Department of the Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Argentina and Director of the Image Processing Research Group at Research Institute of Science and Technology in Electronics (ICYTE) CONICET-UNMDP. She has directed more than 20 PhD thesis and 25 undergraduate thesis, all in biomedical image processing area. She is author of more than 75 papers in refereed journals and more than 130 conference presentations. Currently she is Chief Editor of the Argentinian Bioengineering Journal and also Director of the Postgraduate Programme in Bioengineering at the UNMDP. She was President of the Argentinian Bioengineering Society from 2013 to 2015; President of the Argentinian Chapter of EMBS – IEEE form 2016 to 2018 and Co Chair of the Committee of Women in MBE in the IFMBE. She is currently Vice President of IEEE Argentinian Chapter, General Secretary of CORAL and member of the Administrative Council of the IFMBE 2022-2028.
Prof. Dr. Yasemin M. Akay
Yasemin M. Akay is currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Cullen College of Engineering, University of Houston. She received her B.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey in 1980 and M.S. and Ph.D in Biomedical Engineering from the Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ, USA in 1991 and 1998, respectively. Her research focuses on novel technologies for cost-effective high-throughput screening of novel cancer drugs and therapeutics and assessment of treatment responses. She is currently assessing the effectiveness of the optimal combination of anticancer drugs, obtained from the brain cancer chip, in treating GBM tumors in the respective mouse models. The ultimate goal of her research is to use the optimal drug combinations determined in vitro for each patient in their respective mouse model to show that the results from the in vivo mouse studies will support the results obtained from in vitro studies. She is also currently exploring the effect of maternal nicotine and alcohol exposures on Dopamine neurons within the sub-regions of the VTA during early maturation at both cellular and molecular levels.
Prof. Dr. Nicos Maglaveras
Nicos Maglaveras received the diploma in electrical engineering from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (A.U.Th.), Greece, in 1982, and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering with an emphasis in biomedical engineering from Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, in 1985 and 1988, respectively. He is currently a Professor of Medical Informatics, A.U.Th in the 2nd Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic, Dept. of Medicine leading the digital health transformation. He is head of the graduate program in medical informatics at A.U.Th, and is a collaborating researcher with the Center of Research and Technology Hellas, the Hellenic Institute of Transportation (CERTH-HIT). His current research interests include biomedical engineering, cardiovascular engineering, biomedical informatics, ehealth, AAL, personalised health, biosignal analysis, medical imaging, AI/DL/ML and neurosciences. He has published more than 400 papers in peer reviewed international journals, books and conference proceedings out of which over 150 as full peer review papers in indexed international journals. He has developed graduate and undergraduate courses in the areas of (bio)medical informatics, biomedical signal processing, physiology and biological systems simulation. He has served as a Reviewer in CEC AIM, ICT and DGRT D-HEALTH technical reviews and as reviewer, associate editor and editorial board member in more than 10 international journals, and participated as Coordinator or Core Partner in over 45 national and EU-funded competitive research projects attracting more than 15 MEUROs in funding. He has served as president of the EAMBES in 2008-2010. Dr. Maglaveras has been a member of the IEEE, AMIA, the Greek Technical Chamber, the New York Academy of Sciences, the CEN/TC251, Eta Kappa Nu and an EAMBES Fellow.
Prof. Dr. Carlos Zuñiga San Martín
Director Unidad Telenefrología
Hospital Digital. Ministerio de Salud.
Sub Director Centro Regional de Telemedicina Región del BioBío.
Académico Facultad de Medicina UdeC y UCSC.